Dr. April Schweinhart received a 1 of 6 U.S. Office on Women’s Health Violence Against Women and Substance Use Prevention Initiative awards bringing an additional 2.25 million dollars into the state of Kentucky to address intimate partner violence (Grant #ASTWH220123). Our initiative, Focus on Integrating Response, Screening, and Training (FIRST) for Women in Kentucky, will create a community of practice connected to the KY Coalition Against Domestic Violence (KCADV) member programs and the KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities, Branch of Adult Substance Use Treatment and Recovery Services that will implement intersectional, trauma-informed training for each of KYs’ regional SUD treatment and IPV services providers. Specifically, the project engages Ky’s 14 regional Community Mental Health Centers as well as the 15 regional DV shelters who are members of KCADV. The team is also working with the state Health Department and the KY Perinatal Quality Collaborative to address the intersection of IPV and SUD for local medical practitioners. The FIRST research team includes April Schweinhart, Camila Aramburu, Kyra Fritz, Casey Shepherd, Ashley Simons-Rudolph, and Lauren Caton.